Girl, another year has flown by. You are growing and changing everyday. You are becoming more independent and sassy by the day. However your teacher, Mrs. Gomez says you are a star in the classroom so as long as you are good at school, I can’t complain.
This year we went to Washington DC for a family trip and you were in your element. Your love for the Presidents tickles me. I hope that means you have a future in politics, but I’ll be glad if you just use your voice to help others. Your favorite President is John F. Kennedy and at 6 years old you have started his biography, the children’s version, but still... I am impressed.
You make me so proud everyday and I am so blessed and lucky to spend my life with you.
There is no other person I would want to share my time with. I’m loving this age and can’t wait to share so many more adventures. You have the best sense of humor and keep me laughing!
I love you the most!!
Traveling with Kids PART 2
10 hours ago