Dear Peyton,
Tomorrow you turn NINE!!! Wow, almost a whole decade! I'll save my I can't believe you are this old for next year, when I am sure it hits me like a ton of bricks.
To say that I am proud of you is such an understatement. Third grade hasn't been your best year, but that doesn't mean you haven't tried your hardest to make it work. You started GT and I know how much joy and challenge that brings you. I'm not worried about how this year is going because you are strong and once you find "your people" they will be the missing piece for you. It always surprises me how petty little girls are, but then I remember they grow up to be women and I know it's just a struggle we all deal with. But the people who know you love you BIG, not just your family but our friends, who see your accurately timed sense of humor and ability to make everyone laugh. It took me some time to find my people, but I found them and loved them hard and they've been with me thru it all. And I know the same will happen for you. A few meaningful, lasting friendships are worth so much more that a multitude of yes-men.
This year we did a wood/painting party in a Taylor Swift theme... because, of course we did and you got to show off your artistic talents. You love arts and crafts and are a slight hoarder that I have to "help" you manage. We did not travel for your birthday because I have been travelling a lot for work, but we do have a trip planned for Universal Studios for Spring Break that I am very excited about. You have recently discovered Harry Potter. It's been fun seeing you navigate the Harry Potter universe.
You are kind, can be sensitive, have fantastic comedic timing, make me laugh constantly, are crazy smart, I'm in awe of how your brain works. You are caring, beautiful and are a great friend. I love you the most and no one will ever love you as much as me! You are my reason for just about everything! Happy birthday my girl! The world is not ready for how you are going to change it!
Love you!
Traveling with Kids PART 2
10 hours ago