Dear Peyton,
I learned today at my Dr appointment that I will be induced tomorrow. I wanted you to know that we are extremely excited to meet you and have you already changed our lives forever. Everyday we anticipate your arrival. We are nervous and anxious for the upcoming days, and with all of the movement you have been making today, I think you are sensing it too. I feel like we have been talking about you forever now and it seems surreal that you will be in my arms soon.
I can't wait to see your Daddy hold you in his arms, he has talked to you constantly, but whenever you are moving a lot and he tries to feel, you usually stop. He says it's because you already know who's in charge, but you are not even here and you already have him wrapped around your finger.
I have heard from several different people that as soon as you are in my arms I will have a whole new love that I have never experienced before. We already love you so much it is hard to imagine how much more this love can grow, but I know it will.
I can't wait to meet you and see your personality grow and become your own. I already think you are independent, since everytime I try to lay down you become active and start kicking.
Just like your Dad, you are most active at night and almost every evening for the last month you have gotten hiccups.
You have so many people who already love you so much! And will always be here for anything that you will ever need.
Good luck tomorrow.
Your Mommy
Traveling with Kids PART 2
10 hours ago