Well, the story actually begins the night before. I was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday, Nov 30th at 8:30 p.m. to begin a medicine that would help my body prepare for the contraction inducing pitocin I was set to receive the next morning. Although I wasn't in in pain stronger than cramps, I couldn't get comfortable with in the hospital bed so I was up for the whole night. Plus who could have slept, knowing that I would be meeting Peyton soon.
The pitocin began to work around 6 am the next morning. My contractions were everything I thought they would be. Dr. Richeter arrived at 8:30 that morning and broke my water so the process would speed up. Little did I know that my contractions would become much more intense once that happened. Luckily Jill arrived soon after and with a death grip on both Jill and Ethan's hands I was able to breathe through each contraction. At 11:00, I received an epideral and from then on just labored down and continued to dialate. I had been progressing really good at that point and was on schedule to deliver later that evening.
Apparently, Peyton had other plans. My temperature began to rise and for several hours I did not progress past 5 cm. After a consult with Dr. Richter at 8:30 p.m. it was decided a C-Section would be the safest way for Peyton to make her arrival. It was an emotion filled day and after being in the hospital for 24 hours, I was ready to meet my daughter.
I don't know who was more nervous, me or Ethan. Up until this point it was decided that Jill would take all pictures while in delivery but since only Ethan could come into the room with me for the surgery, the task now fell to him. As you can see below, he did a great job.
At 9:22 p.m. we welcomed Peyton Rose Roberts into the world. She was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20.5 in long. She is absolutely perfect. I had no idea how my life would change as soon as I heard her cry. Although I was laying behind the curtain and only Ethan could see her, at her ver first cry, I knew I was in love.
Ethan got to see her be weighed and cleaned up since I was still in surgery. He got to carry her back to our room, where our families were eagerly awaiting our return. Apparently it was an emotional reunion and ther wasn't a dry eye around when he carried her back. I followed shortly behind and although I was in still in recovery, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was absolultely perfect.


Peyton's first picture

All wrapped up

Getting weighed, 7 lbs 11 oz

Birth Certificate footprints

First Bath