We had been anticipating the arrival of Baby Brady for so long, that I am pretty sure that Jill was tired of everyone asking her when he was making his debut. Of course, he would choose to make his arrival the day after a storm had run through Magnolia and Brian and Jill had lost power all night.
I sent Jill a hopeful text message that morning asking if there were any reason I shouldn't head to work that day. I was shocked that Jill responded that she indeed was having contractions and he would probably be born that day.
Jill had already agreed that I could stay in the room for his birth. I was beyond excited. Since I had a C-Section with Peyton, and I will have another for any future babies, I really wanted to witness a birth.
And what can I say about it, it is so hard to put into words what an incredible experience it was. Jill was amazing, she labored for several hours and then got her epidural and we waited. In full hair and makeup, complete with her pearls, Jill was ready.
Once Dr. Richter got there she asked where I wanted to be, I told her I wanted to see the whole thing, so she let me stand by Jill's feet. With Brian at her side, and my Mom and Tillie anxiously awaiting on the couch, Jill pushed. In between pushes, Dr. Richter had to joke about Jill being made to have babies because after 1 push we could already see a head full of dark hair. At the second push, Brady made his appearance. I can not put into words what it was like to see him enter the world. He definitely had an opinion, because he was crying loud for the world to hear. Jill was amazing. The whole experience was such an honor for me, and meant a lot. I have looked up to Jill my whole life, and I know that it was outside her comfort zone to have people in the room with her. Jill spends a lot of time taking care of people, she has made a career out of it, so she doesn't like for people to see her in pain, she never has. So I know what it meant to share this experience with others. I am so honored to have witnessed it, and I think it brought us even closer together, if that was even possible.
Brady Jennings Ash Born 6/13/2012, weighing 6 lbs 13 oz at 4:04 pm |
Meeting his proud Big Sister Avery |
First Family Picture |