Oh my Sweet P! How fast has this year gone by!! If I could, I'd hold you down and want you to be this age forever. You are such an amazing child! Tomorrow you will be 3 and we will celebrate with the whole family at Chuck-e-Cheese's with a Little Mermaid party.
This past year we have definitely had our struggles and as much as I think I have helped you along the way, I know that you are the one that actually helped me along the way. You have been amazingly resilient through it all, and know just when I need to hear my favorite words, "I love you Mommy!"
You are head strong and independent. (Imagine that!) I know that I am spoiling you, but I just can't help myself. You are hilarious and I never quite know what is going to come out of your mouth. You definitely keep me on my toes. You light up the lives of so many people around you and embrace everyone you meet. You are so smart and really impressive at puzzles and the details you remember. There is no fooling you, even though I may try! You mastered potty training this year, like it was no big deal. I was so proud. Watching you learn and figure out how to do stuff by yourself is amazing. It's like I can actually see the lights turning on inside your brain. We are going through an "I can do it!" Phase and I have to admit I am proud to see you want to do stuff for yourself rather than be waited on. But don't get me wrong, you pretty much demand milk/chocolate milk as soon as your eyes open in the morning. You ask "why?" for just about everything I say. But I know you are inquisitive and will be a force to be reckoned with as you get older. You have developed and share my love of all things Disney. We are quite a pair and can watch The Little Mermaid or The Lion King continuously...and we do!
Your are the light of my life and love you to the moooon!!
I love you my sweet girl!