The first was at our confirmation appointment. This was the first time we were able to see and hear the heartbeat. It was amazing. Our doctor, Dr. Richter is wonderful. She worked with Jill at St. Joseph's and immediately I was comfortable with her.
It was so amazing to be able to see the baby at 8 weeks, although it was only 1.67 cm long, we were able to see the flutter of the heartbeat.

Our second ultrasound was at the Center for Genetic Counseling at 12 weeks. We were very excited for this appointment, because this was more of a high tech ultrasound and it was possible for us to find out the sex of the baby. During the ultrasound, "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong came on the radio. that is the song that I danced with my Dad at my wedding and needless to say, I was overcome by emotion. Of course, we couldn't tell the sex since the baby had it's legs crossed, but we'll still get to find out from a blood test in the next week.

It was cool to see the growth and changes already. I read constantly on all of the changes that are happening but to have pictures of the actual growth is pretty amazing.
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