This past month has gone by in a flash! How is it September already? We have been super busy so the last few weeks have just flown by. I am loving this age, she is so playful and really starting to assert her personality. She is a DIVA! So sweet and cuddly but she is used to getting her way.

She went to the doctor for her well baby check up and she is healthy. She got blood drawn and is borderline anemic so we added some iron supplements to her nighttime bottle. She didn't cry when the nurse took the blood, but she did look at her with her face full of anger and let out a yell. I'm sure in baby language she was letting her have it. She also got a flu shot which slowed her down for a few days with a mild fever, but other than that she is alway on the go.
She know weighs 19 lbs, and is in the 51st percentile for her weight.She is now 29 in long, and is in the 83rd percentile for length. Her head circumference is off the charts. I think it's because she is a baby genius, her Dr. Irani agreed with me. :)
At 9 Months:
Ready to take off and start crawling, she will be off any day now.
She starting eating some table food. She likes cooked carrots, banana, sweet peas, and green beans. We tried macaroni and cheese, but she just sucked the cheese off and spit back out the pasta.
Wearing size 9-12 mths and size 3 in diapers.
If you walk in or out of a room, she will wave hello/goodbye.
Just starting to clap.
Still not much hair, but what she does have is growing in in a mohawk.
Says Dada to everything.
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