Dear Peyton,
I feel like I say it all the time, but time is flying by. How can you be turning 2 tomorrow?? I re-read the other letters I have written to you on the night before your birthdays, and I can't believe how fast time is going! This year has been difficult for us. There has been grief and sadness, but there has been so much to be thankful for too. You are such an amazing toddler. I know most Mom's brag on their kids, but you truly are exceptional. You have such a caring heart and I can't tell you how many people have commented on how loving you are and that a smile and a hug from you can change their day.
You are definitely a Mommy's girl and I love it. I love the time we spend snuggled in bed watching Mickey or Elmo on the iPad or reading a book. You talk all the time and right now are a little recorder to everything you hear. I have had to start watching my language around you, because anything I say is bound to come out of your mouth. Your teachers say that you have a very advanced vocabulary and are starting to use full sentences. And I can't even describe the joy of hearing you come around the corner asking, "What's Happening?" in a very Asian accent. :)
You are so smart and know many of your colors, we are working on counting to 10, you know all family members by name and are starting to be able to carry a conversation on the phone. We call Nana, Aunt Jilly, and Aunt Chrissy (Criggy) constantly so you can talk.
You don't have one favorite animal or book right now, as your favorite pretty much changes daily.
For the last 2 weeks I have told you that your birthday is coming up and if I ask you how old you will be you will proudly answer TWO! But last week I told you that it would also be my birthday soon and now if I ask you how old you will be on your birthday, there is a chance that you will say "P 29 and Mommy 2!" and smile like you know you are making a joke.
You bring so much joy and laughter to my life, I am so proud to be your Mom! This next year will bring many changes, but we are an unbreakable team and I can't wait to experience this adventure together.
I love you to the moon and back!
Traveling with Kids PART 2
10 hours ago