Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Swimming with Aunt Chrissy
Monday, June 27, 2011
While Nana was feeding Peyton, Avery and I finished a puzzle. She wanted to take a picture of it to show her Mom, so I let her use the camera.
Then I told her to pose with her Masterpiece.
This was the first time Peyton and Avery took a bath together.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Father's Day Weekend
On Saturday night, we left Peyton with Nana and we ventured in the Loop for a Couples shower honoring Kristan and Andy. I have known Kristan since we were 16 in high school and Ethan played baseball with Andy growing up. It was nice to see everyone and catch up. Brandy cam up with a great idea and after the shower we went to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar. I love that place! We had a great time singing Journey as loud as we could and laughing at the guys behind the piano.
On Sunday, Peyton and I woke up early to make Father's Day special for Ethan. First thing on the list was to sign all of the cards for all of the special Dads in our lifes.
Peyton reading the card I had picked out for her to give Daddy
Signing the card
Our Cards to Daddy and the frame she made him at school
Now it was time to sign the cards to PaPaw and Grampa
Monday, June 13, 2011
Busy Weekend
Ethan and Layne
I didn't know many of the players on the Astros (basically only Hunter Pence), it's been a while since I have watched professional baseball. But I did get to see Lance Berkman who now plays for the Cardinals make some big plays against his old team. So it was not a complete bust!
Me and Ethan
Me and Novey
On Friday night I met some great friends for dinner at Cafe Express on Market Street! I loved hanging out with just the girls and with our busy lives we don't get to do it enough.
Novey and Peyton
Sam and Peyton
Miss P sitting at the table like a big girl
Nat is due to have her own little bundle of joy in December! We are so excited to meet Baby Wood! As a friend, Natalie is one of the most unjudgemental people I have ever met! She is currently in graduate school at SHSU for School Psychology. I know that she and Shawn will make great parents. They don't find out what they are having until July but I can't wait to find out and for our kids to become great friends.
On Saturday, Natalie I ventured to Neal’s Berry Farm and Farmer's Market. We got to pick our own blackberries. It was fun even if it was 100 degrees outside.
Peyton slept through the first half....
Reaching for her own berries to pick
In the middle of the night Saturday, Peyton was not her usual sleeping thru the night self and we couldn't get her back down. After a few hours of crying, we finally figured it must be her teeth. When I checked her gums, sure enough one was inflamed and a little bud was peeking through. Once we gave her some Tylenol and a little baby oragel she was back asleep.
Sunday we had a quiet morning around the house recovering from the previous night. Peyton was in a clingy mood so she stayed pretty close to my side. We went over to Ethan's parents for an early dinner, and I got the below shots of Paw Paw and his girl.