On Friday, Peyton and I rode with my Mom to pick up Avery since she was spending the weekend with Nana and Grampa so Jill could catch up on some schoolwork. Avery is so sweet with Peyton. At times she just ignores her, but most of the time is spent checking that she is happy, giving hugs, and telling me that Peyton is too little to play with that toy so she needs to play with it instead. :)

While Nana was feeding Peyton, Avery and I finished a puzzle. She wanted to take a picture of it to show her Mom, so I let her use the camera.

Then I told her to pose with her Masterpiece.

This was the first time Peyton and Avery took a bath together.

Peyton is a willing participant to whatever Avery wants to do.

Even with a washcloth and rubber ducky on her head as water is poured on her...

OMG, I looove this post! You got some great pics! too bad I couldn't have joined in on all of the fun :(