So my Peyton is changing so fast! 10 Months and she is growing up soooo fast. She is crawling everywhere and into everything, but I just love it. She threw her first fit as a response to me not picking her up, while I was packing her bag before we headed to the store. It was a full flegged tantrum and she threw herself on the floor and was arching her back and screaming. I am not looking forward to many of those.
This is the "Mom you're CRAZY face!" |
She stopped to pass a bit of gas! :) |
Best Friends |
Climbing all over everything! She wanted a new bow. |
At 10 Months:
Crawling everywhere
Saying Dada to everything, but will sometimes say Mama when prompted.
Can mimic sounds that we are making to her
Knows what "No" means, but doesn't always choose to listen. :)
Sleeps in on the weekends to 8-9am (she is definitely my child)
Is eating more solid foods, favorites include chicken sticks, bananas, and arrowroot cookies
Using a sippy cup more and more
Goes to sleep on her own after her evening bottle between 6:30-7:30pm and sleeping thru the night
Her hair is still growing in in a mowhawk (long in front middle, nothing anywhere else)