- She is very judgmental of my driving. I will never claim to be the best driver, but it doesn't help my confidence to be turning a corner and hear "Whoa, Baby!!" in the backseat. (I hear it constantly...).
- She is very loving and is on a Best Friends kick. She will tell me, "Mommy, you're my Best Friend!" and my heart will just melt. And then 5 minutes later, she tells me "Macy's my Best Friend!" followed by a kiss for the dog. So I guess I know where I stand in the grand scheme of things.
- She LOVES Dora! I mean, like LOVES her! So given that, if I tell her I am looking for something, she will help me find it, and then before she hands it to me, will throw it to the other side of the room and say "Betcha can't find it now!!" Thank you, Swiper the Fox!
- Also thanks to Dora, I was driving and made the comment out loud that I didn't know which way to go, and P yells from the back "Just use a Map!"
- She can count from 1-10 in both English and Spanish, but when she applies to to actually count things gets messed up. I love catching her "counting things" and hear "One, Seben, Eleventeen, Fourteen..."
- She has also developed the cutest Texas accent ever. Time Out has 4 syllables on it's own and Macy, Maggie, and Nana spend quite a bit of time there from P.
- I asked P who the Prettiest Princess in the World was...her response, "Avery, but I Queen!" Yes, yes you are!!!
- We were at Portofino shopping center one Saturday and I gave her a penny to throw into the fountain. I explained that she needed to make a wish, so she closed her eyes very tight and then threw the penny in. When she opened them, I asked what she wished for, she responded, "More Money!" To which I proceeded to give her more... when she wished again, I asked again, and she wished for "Two Bananas!"
Ready to Make a Wish!

It may not have been 2 Bananas, but she was happy all the same!!

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