Friday I was off from work so while I went and indulged in a pedicure, Peyton attended her class celebration. We then headed to Nana's work for lunch and so my Mom could show off her granddaughter.
Saturday we hosted a small get together for a few friends. Avery was over during the day and decided to help feed Peyton. She was really good with her, until Peyton was done eating, but Avery was not done feeding her so she was stopped when she tried to shove the spoon into her mouth.
(outfit #2)
Such a HAM!
Sam, Natalie, and Shawn
Playing with Novey in her room
Brian, Jill, and Avery we are thinking of ya'll and everything you are going through and hope and pray that you will find all the strength you need to get through this very difficult time. We love ya'll very much!!!
After the funeral, we headed to League City for a celebration for PaPaw's birthday and more 4th of July festivities.
(Outfit #3)
Playing with her Mickey "computer" with Uncle Aaron and Aunt Marie
Playing on the floor with Mom
Watching parts of the Casey Anthony Trial.
Just hanging out with Mom....
Cathing Daddy as he snuck off for a nap
Peyton and Papaw
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