When I picked up Peyton from school on Monday, she wasn't her normal cheery self and after reading her daily sheet and realizing she hadn't eaten for most of the day but rather napped (which is NOT like my P-nut) and a quick check of her temperature and it was confirmed I had a sick chick on my hands. We went to the Dr office on Tues and she has double ear infections, again. This is the 3rd time in less than 2 1/2 months. Poor baby!!!
We got home and took some medicine and she slept on my chest for most of the day. That evening her temperature went up really high (103 degrees) and she started vomitting. Luckily, Gramsey and Nana were there because they stopped by after work to check on her so I had some help. Each time she's been really sick, I have been so lucky that there are Grandmas nearby that have come to my aid to help.
Waiting to get her medicine

Still Smiling while we wait for the Doctor
(check out those flushed cheeks and glassy eyes...)

This is not my normal P :(

Last night she had a hard time going to sleep. She spent the first half of the night asleep on my chest, and the second half asleep on Ethan's. I am ready for the antibiotic to kick in and for my happy baby to come back!!!!
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